We are excited for a new season of baseball! We have programs for all players, new and experienced, plus each league has all the fun extras we've always had, and the great camaraderie at the fields and concession stand makes for one great BYBI Family!
Head over to www.bellinghamyouthbaseball.com, create a login and sign up online. Programs available for boys and girls age 4 (by 4/30/25) through 18/senior in high school. You can read about the programs on the website under the About Us, League Info tab. Keep an eye on our social media as we outline every program over the next few days.
When you register, the programs available to your player based on their age will be what you can register for. More information soon on evaluations for players ages 7 and up.
Challengers (our special needs program) will also be accepting registrations, starting at age 6.
We have a payment plan if you would like to utilize - you will find this at checkout.
Keep an eye on the page for more info, plus your email if you are already part of our BYBI family!
Don't miss out on fun Winter Training for your player - we have you covered with your players aged 4-18. Both beginners and experienced players are welcomed (we will divide them out for THEIR best experience!) Feel free to share this email with friends not already in baseball!
This is also a great way to keep your kids active while testing out the baseball water. Registration for the Spring Season will be opening shortly!
We have two Winter Training Programs available based on age:
Blizzard Bats Bootcamp for 4- 7 years old plus new to baseball 8 years old players
Age returning 6, 7 and new to baseball 8 is SOLD OUT.
We are SUPER EXCITED to offer our 4 -7 year olds (and new-to-baseball 8 years old) our revitalized Blizzard Bats Bootcamp Winter Training Program!
This is a fun and a great way to get back into the baseball mode! Players will come at age-specific times for one hour and receive help with their skills. Think of it as a FUN gym class with our coaches and Varsity baseball players serving as instructors. Session sizes are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sundays 2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, age is based on the player’s age as of April 30, 2025
Session 1 is 1pm, 4-years-old
Session 2 is 2:10pm, 5-years-old and new to program 6-years old
Session 3 is 3:20pm, returning 6-year-olds, 7 years old, and new -to-baseball 8 years old SOLD OUT
Big chance we may sell-out so make sure to sign up ASAP!
Registration for Knock the Rust Off Training for ages 8-18
What's this Knock the Rust Off Winter Training we're having for 8 - 18 years old players?? (age as of 4/30/25)
Get into baseball mode by brushing up on your skills or learn some new ones.
Some players get nervous before evaluations Our Winter Training gives players peace of mind because we go over what they will do at evaluations - no surprises!
Great to attend to help with middle school and high school tryouts as well – need not be signing up for BYBI to partake!
Super fun time with other peeps who also love the sport!
Varsity and seasoned coaches creating the game plan and helping to make the training fun and strong!
New to baseball? No worries! We will have kids of all abilities.
Get all the details at the registration link below- dates of training are Saturdays, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, and Sunday 3/9 at Bellingham High School Gym
Times of training are:
Winter Training for 8-9 years old 12:15 - 1:45pm **SOLD OUT**
Winter Training for 10-12 years old, 2:00 pm – 3:30 p.m.
Winter Training for 13-18, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Head to the website and sign up TODAY - we have sold out in the past in different age groups. Don't miss your spot! (and invite friends from other towns):
Come and be a part of the largest organization in town!
Your sponsorship helps support the youth in Bellingham. Find out the opportunities we have to share your business with our league friends and families.
Please email Sponsorship@bellinghamyouthbaseball.com for more information.
If you are interested in coaching for the 2025 season, please fill this out: https://forms.gle/oxgGffC7CMVcLfQ17
We want to share some important notes regarding a few of the leagues that impact coaches:
THEME for 2025
Our theme for 2025 is Good Sportsmanship for players, coaches, families, fans, and Board members.
Coaches will be required to attend our Coaches Clinic led by esteemed and well-educated baseball coaches.
Also, in a continual effort to deliver high quality instruction to our players, the BYBI is once again requiring all coaches to participate in the (free) USA Baseball Coach Certification Program. This program has great benefits whether you are head coaching or assistant coaching, so we ask anyone interested in coaching in any degree to go through this online training. If you have done these certifications in the past, you do not need to do it again.
Taking this online certification does not guarantee you a coaching position, however the skills learned will be beneficial for you.
You can begin by visiting the website noted below and creating a profile to sign in, work through the certification at your own pace, but note that your league director will be reaching out to you to collect your certification prior to the start of practice. At the completion of your certification, you will need to supply your league director with a screen shot or pdf of the completed certificate(s) for your league via email.
You can click the links below to take the certification.
Head Coaches and Assistants participating in Lil' Sluggers, Tee Ball, Instructional, and Juniors are required to complete the A Certification (Go to https://usabdevelops.com/.../18582/certification-pathways and head to Coach Certifications where you can find each certification course)
Head Coaches and assistants participating in International, Majors, and Seniors are required to complete both A and B Certification (Go to https://usabdevelops.com/.../18582/certification-pathways and head to Coach Certifications where you can find each certification course)
This website has tons of great, free info from baseball experts that can help coaches in all areas of practice plans as well.
Thank you in advance for stepping up and sharing your time with BYBI!
Nicholas Penza Memorial Scholarships in 2024 were given to: Tyler Ladouceur, Ryan Nolan, James Robey, CJ Fama, Erik Ormberg, and Alex Hughes.
Bellingham Youth Baseball in Bellingham, Massachusetts strives to create a safe, welcoming, and fun atmosphere for baseball players of all ages. We offer three seasons of league play in Spring, Summer and Fall, plus Winter Workshops We highly encourage players of all ages and skillsets to come on down and play Bellingham Baseball!